Vision and Mission

Ways to Give

Naming Opportunities

Board of Trustees


Formed in 2007 by a group of San Carlos residents, the Parks and Recreation Foundation of San Carlos was a response to the growing need of park improvements throughout the city at a time of dramatic public funding cutbacks. Using a public/private partnership model, the Parks and Recreation Foundation came together in an effort to secure private monies aimed at facility improvements, program implementation, and other services of the San Carlos Parks & Recreation Department.

San Carlos Citizens have long identified the City’s Parks & Recreation facilities and programs as essential to their quality of life. The goal of the Parks and Recreation Foundation is to meet the gap between city resources and citizens’ expectations.


The Parks and Recreation Foundation is made up of a board membership of 13 San Carlos citizens, all of whom donate their time to ensure the vitality of all 14 San Carlos parks & park programs. This includes implementing annual community fundraising events like the Symphony at Sunset, Bocce Ball tournaments, Ferris Wheel’s, soliciting naming opportunities on Park features like benches, trees and wall tiles, to garnering the generous cash donations of citizens & local businesses.


The Foundation raised over $400,000 in private donations for Burton Park’s Phase I renovations, unveiled in 2009, and $250,000 in private donations for Burton Park’s Phase II renovations, completed in 2014. The Foundation has provided over $10,000 in scholarships to citizens who need some fee assistance for the City’s great recreational programs. Other donations include sponsoring Friday night concerts in the park, and paying for field and park maintenance.


The Parks and Recreation Foundation of San Carlos was established to secure funding for Parks and Recreation facilities, programs, and services benefiting our community.  The Foundation serves as the vehicle for acceptance of private donations and endowments given specifically for San Carlos Parks and Recreation opportunities. The Foundation is an independent, community organization with sole discretion of how their funds are spent.

Our Vision

Ensuring quality living for our community through San Carlos Parks and Recreation.

Our Mission

To support San Carlos Parks & Recreation by:

  • Securing monies and resources
  • Building partnerships
  • Developing and sustaining relationships
  • Allocating funds to San Carlos Parks and Recreation
  • Serving as advocates for San Carlos Parks
  • Coordinating tactical priorities with the Parks and Recreation Director

Parks and Recreation Foundation of San Carlos
P.O. Box 191
San Carlos, CA 94070


Active Board Members

Richard Armanino, President
Liz McGee Min, Vice President
Debbie Denton, Secretary
Cameron Miller, Treasurer
Steve Aguirre
Cori Carpenter
Nick Chirichillo
Steve Divney
May Lee
Janie Lorber
Miles Mendenhall
Liz McGee Min
Sandi Piepmeier
Laura Teutschel
Rebecca Tom
Kate Wormington


Honorary Board Members

John Baer
Laura Neish

A measure of a city’s greatness is to be found in the quality of its public spaces, its parks and squares.

– John Ruskin

“When deciding which organization we should give some of our annual budget of donations to, we choose the San Carlos Parks and Recreation Foundation because it adds value to our community.”

Jason Mansfield—Donor, San Carlos